You’ve all seen photos of those extremely low vans with crazy camber in our event coverages, but did you ever wonder how many of them truly get driven on daily basis? Just a few days ago, one of the biggest “Odyssey-only” events went down and our friend Daishi snapped some photos of his friends Odyssey. It’s his daily driver, it takes a beating and it goes through a set of tires faster than you can imagine. Why do they do it? Attention. Thats’s all. These guys could care less about breaking things and buying new tires every month. It’s become a part of their lifestyle. So whether you like it or not, it’s all good with them. Trust us, you won’t hurt their feelings & they will get your attention. This particular Odyssey drove down to the event from hours away, and drove back home! Make sure you click the Read More button below to see a couple still shots. Anyone want to guess how many degrees of camber it’s running? Oh and yes, it’s on coilovers.