I’ve never personally been to any of the SpoCom events before so when the opportunity arose, I had to take advantage of it. This year Spocom kicked things off with their first event here in Northern California at the Craneway Pavilion. While the roads to the venue weren’t the greatest, once there, it was all worth it. One of the things that made this event memorable for me was the venue. The deck of the historic building that is Craneway Pavilion featured stunning views of the bay which was just breathtaking. Speaking from a spectators point of view, this was a pretty good event overall. There was definitely a good variety of cars in attendance and for the most part the quality was up there. I did see a few people who were irritated with how the staff/security handled the exit/entrance areas of the venue as well as well as some small parking issues before the doors opened to the public, but for the most part it was a really good event and I am looking forward to attending it again. No event can ever be flawless especially when dealing with thousands of people, so huge shout out to the SPOCOM crew for doing their best. Next up is Anaheim in July! Stay tuned for part 2 of my coverage and make sure to check out all the pages below.