
Slammed Legacy on Volks.

When was the last time you saw a Legacy sitting on TE37's? Better yet, when was the last time you saw one sitting as nice as this particular one coming to us all the way from Japan? This ride came out last month to an event called "Fitted Fes" an...


One of the cars I looked forward to seeing in person the most during the recent WekFest San Francisco event was this particular Honda Insight. I don't know anything specific about it (besides the obvious) but from all the photos I saw, it looks p...

Back in Business.

So this is the part where I get to "feature" my own car. Little bit awkward I gotta say since I really don't think much of it (owning the same car for over 5 just get that feeling at times) but judging by the responses I've gotten from th...

Remember that Charger?

My good friend Connor Surdi flew down to California and got a chance to shoot the Charger couple of weeks ago. While we wait for him to finish touching up all the photos here is a small video that he quickly shot hanging out of a minivan at 70mph! Bi...