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Start Your Week Off Right..

We're pretty sure that just like us, most of you would love to get your hands on one of these slammed rides. When you think Japan, most of us automatically have this picture in our head with cars rocking insane amount of camber & radiused fenders rig...
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Pleasurism // Japan

If you stay on top of your game when it comes to the Japanese van scene there is a good chance that you've seen the video below. The very first Odyssey in this video belongs to a guy that goes by the name of Hideking. Seeing how he is a fan of St...
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Up in the Northwest!

You gotta love a nicely fitted S2000! This particular one belongs to Berto who drives this toy up in the Northwest on daily basis. It may not be the lowest or have the most aggressive set of wheels, but it certainly holds it's own and has a lot going...
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Stance Alliance // Sweden

Stance Alliance is the very first show in Sweden that focuses strictly on "stance".  Our newest pair of photographers Jill and Peter went out to cover the event for us, and they had nothing but good things to say about it.  Marcus Eisenhut organized ...
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The Perfect Aristo!

We'll wrap the Sunday up with this stunning Toyota Aristo sitting fresh on Leon Hardiritt Gral Wheels! We don't really know much about it other than the fact that we are absolutely in love with it! One of our newest photographers Daishi Sakamoto was ...