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Radiused Fenders.

It's a trend that's been pretty big in Japan lately. What am I talking about? Well, take a look at the car below and tell me if you see anything trippy. You're looking at a 19"/20" combo by the way. You're raising the wheel arch higher as ...
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Jaxuar XJR – VIP Status.

Let's start off the weekend with something foreign. Not only is this car pretty rare itself, but seeing one done up like this is just impossible to find in US. So, for that we have to take you to Japan today, all day long. The super mean looking line...
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Limitless Motorsports Vip GS.

The first time I saw this thing was when I was getting my coilovers installed down at Limitless Motorsports! It was just sitting on the side of the road, like any other car. Alex and Shane were the two of the most down to earth guys I've ever met. I ...