By now there is a good chance you’ve already seen plenty of photos of WekFest San Jose, but considering the amount of quality cars that were present at Wekfest there is no doubt that there is never enough photos. The last WekFest I personally attended was last year in San Francisco and simply said, I was blown away. I couldn’t wait to go back again. While in 2013 the venue has changed and even the quantity of cars has declined, the thing that hasn’t changed much is the quality. If anything, I have seen a increase in quality with this smaller venue. There was a bigger variety (imports, domestics, euros) than last year, there were more people form outside of California showing cars (Texas, Nevada, Hawaii, Arizona) and overall the show itself was just much better. While you can sit at home or your work and look at 1000’s of photos and 100’s of videos of WekFest, this event is one of those shows you simply have to be a part of to truly appreciate it. Big kudos to all the ladies and gentleman that make this event happen. It is and will forever be remembered as one of the best of it’s time & kind.
Photos By: Randy Goco exclusively for